Personalize Experiences Using Digital Marketing Tools

Digital marketing case studies show that personalization can be one of the most effective ways to convert browsers into buyers, and buyers into loyal customers who will be eager to purchase more products and services from you. There are many personalization tools available these days, but many of them can be quite expensive to use. So what’s a new online business owner to do? The answer is to start with what really works and if you do not have expertise on the fields , we are here to help to get you started to implement your marketing automation. If you are not doing it already, try it and you should soon start to see results.

Digital Marketing

Cater with Content: The first way to get the attention of your target audience is to pay attention to them. Go to their favorite sites, blogs, networks, forums, groups, and more. What are they complaining about? What issues do they have? Create content that will solve their problems. For example we have decided to share with our audience some tips about digital marketing that can help to improve their current digital marketing activities. Content marketing is a service we will be able to provide to our subscribers to help them achieve their SEO. We are able to provide content related to our clients'  industries.

Compare with Competitors: Read reviews online in relation to top products in your niche, similar to ones you would like to sell. What are your target customers buying, how much are they paying for them, and what are they praising or complaining about? What suggestions do they make as to how the product could be better?

Get Them on Your Lists: You will have to work very hard to get traffic to your site. Don’t just let them click in once, then wander away forever. Instead, offer them a free special report or ecourse related to your niche. When you create your emails, personalize them using the 

automated features. If need help to set up your marketing automation, fill this form to get a free quote. Also be sure to offer separate lists for prospects, customers, and for those who are coming to you from other sources, such as those signing up through a joint venture partnership. The email addresses you collect from your partner’s marketing list will be yours to do with as you choose, but their behaviour is likely to be very different from your loyal followers who have had more time to get to know you (at least initially). This being the case, your first emails should not be hard sells, but more of relationship-building emails. When they buy, use automation to move them to a customer list. In this way, you won’t be treating everyone the same. If they have already bought product X, for example, it’s a waste of time to keep sending emails about it. Instead, offer them related products Y and Z.


Learn through Surveys: People love to give their opinions. Ask your customers from time to time what products or services they would be most interested in. Take action to deliver their #1 choice. This will show you are a company who cares. You will also have a built-in customer base willing to buy when you launch.

Don’t Drive All of Your Marketing Traffic to Your Home Page: One of the most important skills to master as a digital marketer is tracking and testing. That is, you create and launch a promotion, track the results, and test to try to improve them. This can be time consuming if you are using your home page as the destination URL for each promotion. Create one landing page for your customers, then duplicate it for your Facebook, Twitter, and other marketing initiatives. Create separate pages for free versus paid ads at these sites. Match the content on the page to what you published on the network. Create slightly different URLs, and you will be able to track your results fast and see what is working best. These simple ways of personalizing can lead to faster relationship building, for more profits. More on relationship building next time. 

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